Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved in Meridian, and we hope you will take advantage of one and come and get to know us.
For the shy:
We offer resources on this website to help you come to know us. You can interact with us through prayer requests, and announcements, as well as listening to or watching a sermon. Then, as you come to know us, we hope you will join us for a service or attend a small group ministry. If you have any questions feel free to call 208-888-1921.
For the not-shy, but not-bold:
We have small group ministries for everyone. Small groups are a great way to get to know people that you can relate to and make friends with. These different ministries are available on our Ministries page. As you get to know the terrific people in your group, you will become excited to come to services and worship the Almighty God with us.
For the bold:
Come join us for church! We meet every Saturday at 10:00am for Sabbath school classes for all ages. At 11:00am we meet for worship and sermon. Our address is 1808 W. 3rd St, Meridian, ID 83646. We are behind the US Bank building on Cherry lane.
Whatever you do, we look forward to meeting you – in Meridian, on the web, or in the Kingdom. Praise be to God!